Title: Fight Fire with Fire Photographer: Steven Klein Models: Maria Borges, Ajak Deng, Riley Montana, Joan Smalls Stylist: Arianne Phillips Magazine: V Publicationdate: March, 2015
The enigmatic fashion house, Martin Margiela, debuted it's first ever haute couture collection in Fall 2012. Keeping up with the fashion house's trope of incorporating every day objects into the collection, the clothes featured crystal door knobs and baseball mitts. Another tradition of Margiela that was put to heavy use were the masks, leaving the models anonymous, perhaps symbolic of the seemingly unknown group of designers who created the collection.
Photographer: Chen Man Models: Langsuowangmu, Li Zheng, Liu Dan, Jing Chen, Meng Lu, Pan Yan, Quncuo, Renqingcuomu Wan Bao Bao, Xin Yuan, Yangci, Zhang Li Na Stylist: Lucia Liu Magazine: i-D Publicationdate: February, 2012